- Lesson from 503 - Don't stop developing an idea/concept short of it's possibility, especially when there is more time before the deadline to push it further.
- Out of comfort zone - Put myself into new situations, meet new people and respond to my experiences visually. Push idea of reportage illustration.
- Accomplish by May - Better understanding of reportage illustration and where my work fits within that field. Learn more about the possibilities and opportunities with reportage work.
In 504 I want to continue to push my work in the direction of reportage and documentary illustration, learning about what it takes to carry out an effective reportage project and how to turn the collected materials into a coherent body of final work - taking the material I collect from locations and site visits and collating/developing them successfully. I am going to continue to explore what my practice and process is, and how it can stand apart from other contemporary illustration work. I want a better understanding of what value my work can offer and what it can communicate to an audience that is unique and different from the work of others. Printmaking abilities will be further developed and explored, as well as the presentation of the work in a suitable format e.g. a book. I hope that I can keep the dialogue between research and production continuous, letting one aid the other to ensure the work I produce is informed and justified. In doing this, I am hoping the work will more effectively communicate its’ message and purpose to an audience and so ensure the success of my project.