Thursday 4 January 2018

Study Task 5 - Sound Study

Texture - Roman Alaivi

texture // A digital bolex test from Roman Alaivi | Tests on Vimeo.
  • camera test, no real narrative or structure, yet tells a story of a forgotten place and a time gone by
  • Natural sounds, most likely recorded on site of the filming, relevant to location and feeling
  • Unsettling/eerie feel created by sound and visual not synching, sound one long piece whereas visuals change throughout, creates uneasy 'silence' of the subject matter in each shot, elevated by nature of visuals
  • Familiar sounds for an audience yet quite intense and gains in intensity throughout 
TINCUP Whiskey - We Stayed 

TINCUP. WE STAYED. from Andre Stringer on Vimeo.

  • Natural wind sounds establish visuals, layered with guitar feedback, notes and strings. Dark and eerie, creates ominous atmosphere. Low notes create sombre tone, higher notes build story. Picks up at end into glimpse of an actual song, to conclude visuals to a point 
  • Sounds from visuals, such as footsteps, rain, movement etc, immerses viewer in action
  • Voice over describes context and narrates, low gruffly to match the tone of voice of the video as well as the company

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