Thursday 28 February 2019


Some notes I made whilst feeling stuck at the station the other day.

  • They're doing their job, they are busy
  • Their time off is important/they have other stuff to do
  • Don't want to pester them
  • Its their space
  • Cant follow them around station
  • Not all keen to talk
  • Welcome wearing thin possibly 
  • Poorly approached by me
  • Lack of authority/legitimacy
It felt good to get out my feelings on paper. Although it was perhaps self-fulfilling to consolidate these excuses and make them more real by writing them out, it was therapeutic to express them and assess them more objectively than just in my head. I think they are all valid points to be made about the situation and the project as it stands. Instead of making me feel worse with a list of problems, I felt a bit lighter having stepped back a bit and reflected on the situation. 

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