Thursday 15 December 2016

Christopher Delorenzo - Diagram & Shape

This diagram of an Old Fashioned by Dolorenzo really attracted me in it's abstractness, texture and also simplicity in form. The shapes used are very basic, but the composition and layering and use of texture are what really make this a lovely illustration. Each ingredient/element is paired down to it's most basic visual structure, or even distorted and characterised further than this to fit with the composition and aesthetic. These are then laid out together as a kind of explosion diagram, textures used to show overlapping and distinction of each, and also subtle but clean captions/titles for each element added for explanation.

I feel like a similar approach could work with the power station stories, each element taken apart and laid out together whilst in their simplest forms, using textures and shapes to show form and relationship. Little parts of quotes could be added also to tell each story.

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