Saturday 24 September 2016

Testing & Development - Make a Mask of Yourself

From these drawings of different facial expressions, I scaled them up,considering what size they were most effective.As much as I like the A2 drawings, I felt that my final mask didn't need to be such a large scale; the only features needing to be covered and drawn are the main expressions.

I drew two mock ups combining the facial expression illustrations with a record and thought they were successful, keeping the scale small, and started on my construction.

I attempted to paint the background colour of the records, but the paint didn't cover well so I simply used posca pens instead, using a grey for the background colour, allowing the black of my detail to show on top. For the centre of the records I chose a yellow for the happy expression, representing the friendly and bright side of my character. The blue represents the other, namely a more anxious and self-doubting side. 

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