Monday, 21 November 2016

Visual Narratives - Incredible Journey

I thoroughly enjoyed our incredible journey as the start to our next project, to create a map in a week. Wandering around, being curious, documenting, listening, observing, capturing; it's something that I previously really find joy in, but haven't really been investing in enough recently.

Here are a few of my favourite pages:

I found myself very drawn to:
  • People; characters, old people, bald people, people wearing hats, glasses, with collared clothing, interesting people, different people. 
  • Collections of objects; cartons of milk, stacked cans, tubs, containers, watches. I became very transfixed on this idea of organisation and layout in shops and on market stalls.
  • Scenes/architecture; interesting lines, angles, scenes of mundanity, scenes featuring certain objects.

I think being in a group was slightly hard in this exercise as you have other people's needs and interests and approaches to take into account. This was interesting seeing how other people respond to the environment around us and what things they were drawn to. BUT it did make it difficult to focus entirely on what I was seeing and experiencing and wanting to document.

For this reason I am going to adopt this new found curiosity gained from today's session and spend as much of every day as I can just watching and looking and observing. I am going to try and make a habit of just going out and documenting more and just drawing more of what is around me on a daily basis. Maybe even focussing on one category of 'thing' to document at a time, and creating series' from there.

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