Nature is an important topic in Cormac's work and is often explored in its relationship to humans, the conflicts and the bonds that are formed between the two.
The wolf in The Crossing is a perfect example of this, staying wild yet forming a degree of trust with a boy who is set on returning it to the mountains. Although it is never really tamed, it builds a relationship that seems to go against its nature and instinct.
Just like the horses and greyhounds, this was a task of practicing form and movement and anatomy. Somewhat unspecific to the writing itself, it is still an important process to go through and hopefully will aid me in making some more specific and writing influenced work on the same subject.
However I really really love these four images. They are drawings of wolf fights and hunts, drawn from videos found online. With the nature of video it was all about capturing gesture and subconsciously letting my hand get down what my eye was seeing as it moves and changes ( apart from the last one which is of a still taken from a video, yet drawn in a similar manner). I think they really portray the energy and movement and violence of the situations, and can still be pieced together and seen for what they are.
I am really intrigued to explore more abstract images, going back to the experience of reading. There is something very unpredictable and freeing about this way of making work and is very enjoyable.