Sunday, 24 September 2017

5 Quotes - 'Suddenly 3 greyhounds trotted into the light one behind the other & circled the fire, pale & skeletal shapes with the hide stretched taut over their ribs & their eyes red in the firelight'

Another very visually evocative quote. My responses were mostly just to practice drawing the animals themselves, as I have never really drawn dogs much in the past, and in this way it was a very engaging exercise.

I find it very rewarding drawing new things and trying to capture their essence and form effectively, especially when they have interesting shapes such as these greyhounds. Also exploring new techniques in order to find the best way to portray them is exciting. 

The most effective ones are the brush and ink; looser marks and lines give them more energy and life, creating movement in their shapes. They can also then take on the same dusty quality i have spoke about, making them seem haggard and wild. 

This was my only attempt at portraying the light explained in the quote. My tones are not dark enough on the dog to capture what I was going for, but the intention and potential is there. It gives them a ghostly quality which I think Cormac was going for, and which can be achieved. 

I am definitely going to come back to these different quotes and animals to explore this further, to attempt more intentionally to depict the quote and images in my head when reading them. 

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