Sunday 24 September 2017

5 Motifs - American Motels

Motels are often used by McCarthy's characters and seem to almost provide a interim time for their adventures and lives. They are very typically American and portray the nomadic nature of a lot of the people in his books.

I started trying to draw without reference to no avail so looked at a few photos. The graphite drawings are okay at best but were not punchy enough in there contrasts or forms.

Brush and ink again proved the best and I was extremely happy with the one above. I think the detail in the sky is very atmospheric and the building itself gives off a very ghostly and mysterious feeling. The relatively simple nature of it also aligns with my goal of images derived from memory or a deeper part of the mind. 

Light is also commonly an important feature in his writing, something which I am very keen to explore and perfect and portray effectively. I think these create a sort of uneasiness in a viewer something which is also present in the writing, the situations and the people in them. 

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