Sunday 8 January 2017

Visual Narratives - Square Compositions

Inspired by a few of David Lemms' pieces, I think square compositions can be really effective. Especially when working with symbols, giving them a frame or a boundary is a good way of arranging and organising them effectively.

These are definitely my best outcomes regarding the symbols work. Are they really that different to my previous work though? That is something I am currently battling with the answer to. What I do like is how, especially the top two, look a bit folk arty, and remind me of old train monikers for some reason. Maybe its taking images and simplifying them into a story evokes that sense of folklore and mysterious narratives. 
I like these but I don't really know how successful they really are. I feel like they may need something to make them more engaging in the way they are created. What that is, however, I still don't know. 

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