Saturday 7 January 2017

Visual Narratives - Symbols Developed

This is the first thing that has actually turned out half decent with potential from working with symbols. It isn't amazing nor is it grossly different from the previous symbol work I was doing, but drawing this, something clicked.

Despite what I previously said regarding tessellation, there's something about this composition that I like, with all the problems and stories associated with the power station trickling down from it, a metaphorical representation of what is happening in real life. The elements fit nicely together, even if the layout is particularly boring and samey.

I did want to stop working with fine liners and pens as I really overuse them in my work and need an opportunity to break free from them and try something else. Inspired by some of David Lemm's prints, I wanted to explore textures, by stencilling out my symbols with painting. 
I really really love the chimney, it is so tactile and is way more engaging and interesting than a simple line drawing. The others are a mix of results, the shield not working at all really, despite being appealing texturally. I don't know if these particularly are going to work within my final book, but I feel like textures are something to definitely consider and play around with more. 

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