Tuesday 28 February 2017

Acts of Kindness - Nurture Nature 2, Illustrator Drawing

This one was a little more complex, and used the circle of the sticker as a frame rather than filling it as the previous ones do. I love the repetitions of circles, in the head and the inner border and the flower. I opted to leave the flower as just a circle, in keeping with the use of shape instead of line work.

I feel like once it is coloured it'll really come to life and look better, as at the moment the hands and the flower leaves overlapping so much could be  confusing and too busy, especially when compared to the simplicity and blankness of the rest of the design. Where the two hands overall, I have chosen to leave the lines crossing each other, creating a nice symmetry in the shapes the lines make.

The perspective of the character is probably my favourite part of the whole image and why it appeals to me so much. I think it's interesting depicting him from above, having him reaching up into the composition from the bottom.

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