Sunday 26 March 2017

Persons of Note - Final Poster

The final poster.

I love it, I didn't think I would be I do.

Clearly the actual print has flaws, as explained in previous posts due to monoprnting's imperfections, but they add to the overall success, not take away. After all, pataphysics seems to accept flaws and imperfections and nuances. 

The simplicity of the design is something which I am really pleased with myself for having confidence in and sticking with. I could have added type or more elements but I feel that would have simply overcomplicated and spoiled this composition.

I love that at the same time as feeling like a very scientific diagram, it also almost looks like a flag of sorts, or a logo or symbol of a secret group of society. This is not only intriguing and highly appealing to me as it is, but it also does represent pataphysics, which is somewhat exclusive to those who understand it or are fascinated by it; pataphysics is esoteric. 

I ended up creating a border for it in photoshop from one of my scanned postcards to finish it off and also to nod to said postcard. It gives it a context and makes it look like a more considered finished poster. 

If you would have showed me this design at the start of the year and told me I would make this a few months down the line and be really pleased with it, I wouldn't have believed you. And I love that fact.

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