Friday 17 March 2017

Persons of Notes - Experiments with the Scanner

Another attempt at visually distorting reality. These are images I found online of Paris in the 19th century, the time when Jarry was alive and living in the city. 

The challenge was to move the image in such a way that makes it look glitchy and distorted but beyond that possible of just skewing the image on photoshop for example. Also to move the image enough to change it, but not too much to create an illegible mess. 

It is interesting how the scanner creates colours in areas where the image has been moved more, even on black and white images. I'm already really happy with how it duplicates part of the images and flips them, creating a reflection. These duplications are the most exciting for me. They could represent Jarry's version of life and science, a paradox of general science and a juxtaposition to our lives. 

However, on the images where the alterations are less, it perhaps hints are more of a realistic, subtle distortion, but whether this is something which aligns with Jarry's work I'm not sure.

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