Monday, 27 March 2017

Persons of Note - Final Stamps

And finally, my final stamps.

They do actually fit together to make one bigger composition, but blogger is being blogger and not letting me place them next to each other in order, so you'll have to trust me on that one.

Again, I am really happy with how these turned out. I love their ambiguity and the layering of the mono print inks. They are bold in their simplicity and similar to my other outcomes are scientific yet abstract in their visual language. 

Technically, I wish I had used a lighter grey to allow more of the bottom layer to show through, but having messed up a few other runs and not having enough drying time to redo this one, I have to settle for this. I could touch it up in photoshop but I don't think it effects the overall print quality too much. 

I am pleased with them as a series and how they can be pieced together to make one bigger print; I feel this is a nice touch. As a bigger print also I think it is successful and appealing in it's balance and layout of shapes.

They perhaps have less meaning and thought behind them than the poster, but instead exist as an extra, an aesthetically similar product to go with the poster and postcards; they are not the main focus on the body of work.

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