Tuesday 21 March 2017

Persons of Note - Mono Prints

Here are my first attempts at mono prints that explore pataphysics. They are based off Jarry's quote regarding the shape of a watch, portraying the relationship between a circle and an elliptical shape.

Print wise a lot of them have come out so nice and I am so happy with the textures and noise some of them have picked up. Some of my favourites are where the blue and the red shapes are of different print quality, when one is clear and bold and the other is grainy and textured. This creates a nice contrast between the two and also communicates the difference in the two ideas also. Theres a duality there that is also present between general science and our reality versus pataphysics and Jarry's ideas of reality.

As designs they are perhaps too simple, they are very basic in nature. I do like this however as I feel like they are bold and quite powerful, but I won't be using them in my finals. They were a fun test of the medium nevertheless.

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